The issue at stake is the extraordinary supplement for pensioners, approved by the Government at the end of August, the value of which varies between 200 and 100 euros and which is being paid this month to around 2.4 million people.

The amount of the bonus is related to the gross value of the pensions received by each pensioner, with 200 euros for those who have a pension of 509.26 euros; 150 euros for those with pensions between 509.26 euros and 1,018.52 euros and 100 euros for those receiving between 1,1018.52 euros and 1,527.78 euros.

The total number of pensioners receiving this support amounts to 2.4 million pensioners, which means that 84% receive between 200 and 150 euros.

In response to questions posed by Lusa, an official source from the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security explained that the distribution of this group of pensioners by the brackets of the extraordinary supplement "indicates that more than 1 million pensioners will receive 200 euros", with the pensioners covered by the 150 euro bracket also representing a number "slightly higher" than 1 million beneficiaries.

"The 100 euro bracket includes around 381 thousand pensioners", stated the same official source from the ministry overseen by Rosário Palma Ramalho.

The bonus is paid to Social Security pensioners - and the amount will arrive, in this case, this Tuesday in the bank account - of the Caixa Geral de Aposentação (CGA) and also to "another system that is integrated within the public system, such as bank employees".

The calculation and allocation of the bonus takes into account the pensions paid to each pensioner, adding, if applicable, the value of a Social Security pension to that of a survivor's pension from the CGA or vice versa.

According to the same data from the Ministry of Labour, there are around 2.1 million pensioners who receive a pension from Social Security who will be covered by the extraordinary bonus, in addition to around 199 thousand pensioners who receive a pension from the CGA and more than 91 thousand pensioners who receive independent pensions in each of the systems (Social Security and CGA).

In the case of these 91 thousand with pensions processed by both systems, the bonus will be divided and paid by each of the responsible entities in proportion to the value of their respective pension on the date the supplement is granted, that is, this Tuesday, in the case of the Social Security pension, and on the 18th, in the case of the CGA.

The total cost of this measure amounts to around 420 million euros, the same amount being borne by the State Budget.