Last year we found that the terrace of the Vale de Milho Golf Club (near Carvoeiro) was an excellent location for this event, so we booked the same again this year for the 20th September. As perhaps could have been predicted - after several months of non-stop sun - just the day before our tea the weather forecast changed - rain and winds predicted instead of balmy late summer sunshine. A short telephone discussion with the staff at Vale de Milho and we relocated from the terrace to the main members’ bar inside. Quite naturally on the day the rain did not happen, though the cool wind did, so it remained a good choice. The event proved popular, in fact our best-attended event of the year to date with just three more organised.
As expected from last year, the sandwiches were excellent and rapidly devoured, helped along the way by Prosecco and large pots of tea. A similar fate awaited the scones with their jam and cream, and finally the selection of cakes. The odd left-over sandwich or cake was collected in hastily assembled 'doggie bags', we don't believe in waste! A lovely way to spend an afternoon - food, drink and good company are always a great combination and very welcome.
Our thanks to the staff of Vale de Milho for their hard work and friendly attitude. Perhaps also some small thanks go to the members of the golf club for giving up their space - squeezing into corners and onto the draughty terraces for a couple of hours.
Our next event will be a 'crazy golf' competition with a buffet lunch in Alvor. Full details of this and future events are on our website