The government is moving forward with the transposition of a 20-year-old European directive, which aims to protect habitats and liberate other areas of the territory. The Government says it will make land in 61 protected areas available for construction (of houses).
Days after making changes to land law to make it possible to build houses on rustic land, the Government brings more news in terms of territory management. From the transposition of the old European directive into national legislation, a total of 61 protected areas will be freed up for construction (houses, for example), writes ECO.
As explained by the Minister of the Presidency, António Leitão Amaro, in areas identified as habitats protected by the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests (ICNF), nature conservation measures will be applied. But the protected area that is not classified as habitat will be released for construction, and the limitations that currently exist will be removed.
Therefore, there will be 61 protected areas that will be reclassified and where land will be released for construction. The first step has already been taken: “The Government approved the first of 61 diplomas”, which delimits the “special area of Serra de São Mamede, in the district of Portalegre”, indicated the government official cited by the same media outlet. The approval of the remaining 60 diplomas will advance in the coming weeks.
When is a "protected" area not protected? When developers want to build houses on it!
By Steve Andrews from Other on 11 Dec 2024, 18:24
Ah!! Finally! The Scramble for Portugal can start.
It is a shame. Many small towns in the inner regions of Portugal are desperate need for inhabitants and investment for renovation of existing houses. Instead the government frees up the assault on nature for a few to enjoy.
By Paulo Valente from Porto on 13 Dec 2024, 19:23
While the rest of Europe is setting out its Green Initiative to meet the UN 30 x 30 goals (30% of land protected by 2030), Portugal is doing the reverse and delisting, rather than expanding the list of Protected Areas.
At the same time that Portugal signed the UN "Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism" at COP29 in November, they were at the same time working on ways to de-list protected areas in Portugal !
By Tony Williams from Other on 14 Dec 2024, 11:40