Alamaya Deco is a shop which is home to ethically sourced one off pieces in the commercial hub of Almancil. On your arrival, you will discover exclusive handcrafted furniture, decor and accessories from all over the world.

Every detail of the shop has been carefully curated by passionate adventurer Paula Pinto, whose passion and love for travelling and design, means every trinket collected, has its own beautiful story.

Some of the delightful treasures you can find at the store are chests, carvings, cushions, sculptures, woven baskets, tablecloths, robes, pyjamas, bags, decorated damchyias, antique doors, as well as multiple vintage pieces.

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Alamaya Deco;

“Be it a hand-woven Elephant grass market basket, or a statement piece like a Damichiya cabinet (an Indian dowry chest), I take great care to curate Alamaya’s collection from a small batch of suppliers, with whom I have built a long, lasting connection so that I can assure you everything is authentic, sustainable, and ethically sourced from communities that benefit from every purchase.”

For those curious about the shops name, Paula told Central Magazine, “I volunteered with rhinos in South Africa and I was introduced to orphan elephants through the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya, and one elephant in particular won my heart, so I ended up adopting her and naming her Alamaya which means brave.

“Every time I say her name, I remember the euphoria of connecting with another being; of the times when I travel or stumble upon eye-catching, one-of-a-kind artisanal crafts that encapsulate the legacy of humanity’s ability to pour its soul into creating extraordinary objects.”

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Alamaya Deco;

Born in Luanda and having grown up in Lisbon, Paula’s story beautifully highlights the importance of taking a leap of faith. Paula recounted: “I had always been independent and I wanted to move out of my family home from a young age. With university completed, I moved to London, where I would spend time as a nanny and later go into hospitality. Adding, “I worked at the Sheraton Park Towers in London, which was an amazing experience but I missed Portugal so I ended up relocating back and working for The Four Seasons Hotel in Lisbon.”

Paula told Central Magazine, “It was an amazing but demanding career and I got to an age where I wanted to slow down but I wanted to keep this world of travelling alive. I had always been an appreciator of handmade items and I have always loved design, I would find myself bringing back so many pieces to decorate my home from my travels and bags full of necklaces for my friends!

“The pandemic put everything into perspective, I thought if I don’t start my own business now, I will never follow this old dream of mine. I found that in Portugal, home decor is always at a crazy price or from IKEA, there is no inbetween. I want people to have beautiful things, and not have to sell a kidney for it”, she jokingly added.

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Alamaya Deco;

Promoting cultural diversity

Alamaya pieces create welcoming and authentic environments, blending history and tradition with contemporary styles. It is a way to bring a special touch to decoration, valuing artisanal work and promoting cultural diversity. At Alamaya Deco you will discover an ever-changing collection and something for everyone so it is the perfect place to find a gift for a loved one.

Paula affirmed that “Alamaya Deco is always going to be curated to my personal taste because discovering new items is something I really enjoy doing. I love the feeling I get when I have actually helped a family from these villages thrive and I know the money is going directly to the people who have worked so hard to create these pieces.”

At Alamaya Deco, you will often find pieces that have been upcycled, with Paula explaining “I tend to go through small villages and I pick the pieces I would like to bring over. I tend to visit India once or twice a year, and I love meeting the artisans and visiting their homes and families. I sometimes find pieces of wood or older furniture and ask artisans to transform these pieces. The options are endless with upcycling.”

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Alamaya Deco;

When asked about her hopes for this new year, Paula revealed “My main goal is to continue to travel and discover new things, new people and new cultures, as well as continuing to help the world. I want to keep making people happy, I love when a customer takes something home and says they really feel that piece made a difference to their home, that to me, is the most gratifying feeling.”

Alamaya Deco is open Tuesday to Friday from 10:00 am to 13:00 pm and then 14:00 pm to 18:00 pm and Saturday from 10:00 am to 13:00 pm. If you are unable to personally visit their shop on Rua Joao de Deus, 26 Loja B in Almancil, you can still order something magical via social media.

For more information, please visit or visit to discover their treasures today.


Following undertaking her university degree in English with American Literature in the UK, Cristina da Costa Brookes moved back to Portugal to pursue a career in Journalism, where she has worked at The Portugal News for 3 years. Cristina’s passion lies with Arts & Culture as well as sharing all important community-related news.

Cristina da Costa Brookes