According to the local council, the program foresees 98% mobile network coverage of the territorial area of ​​the parishes in the interior of the municipality of Loulé (Alte, Ameixial, Salir and Union of Parishes of Querença, Tôr and Benafim). It includes the contracting of digital solutions and equipment from the operator NOS, in four priority areas: social action and support for the most vulnerable populations, education, tourism and civil protection.

One of the initiatives that form part of this investment is the monitoring of 160 beneficiaries, all elderly, for 36 months, using teleassistance. In the initial phase, there are 12 beneficiaries. At the same time, in a joint action with the Algarve Local Health Unit, 50 elderly people participate in a health indicator monitoring system.

Monitoring forest fires, digitizing natural and cultural routes or creating tourist attractions with augmented reality are other actions underway under the umbrella of this program.

“This action aims to promote the development of the vast interior of the municipality of Loulé, attracting economic activity, retaining population and improving the quality of life of those who live here, and meant a global investment amounting to 2.5 million euros”.