In the provisional data on the evolution of occupancy in the region's accommodation units in operation, referring to February 2025, AHETA highlighted that the number achieved represents an increase of 1.5 percentage points compared to the same month in 2019. “The room occupancy rate was 44.8%, below the value recorded in 2024 (minus 1.9 percentage points, minus 4.1%)”, AHETA said in a statement, stressing that, “compared to 2019, the last year with a Carnival date comparable to 2025, room occupancy increased by 1.5 p.p. (up 3.6%)”.

In the provisional monthly data, the Algarve Business Association highlighted that the Spanish and German markets, with respective increases of 20% and 6%, were those that registered the most growth last month, compared to February 2024. The national market “registered an annual drop of 20% compared to 2024”.

“The average stay was 3.9 nights, 0.4 below the value recorded in the corresponding month of the previous year,” AHETA also said, noting that Dutch tourists were those who had the longest stays, with an average of 8.8 nights, followed by Canadians, with 5.9 nights.