The main opposition to the current government, the Social Democratic Party (PSD) has formed an alliance with the Popular Party (CDS-PP) and the Monarchical Popular Party (PPM), calling it the Democratic Alliance (AD) and is led by Luís Montenegro, a party member of the PSD.
For these elections, eight parties stand out, competing to elect as many deputies as possible. Among the various proposals, parties, both on the left and on the right, agree that it is necessary to reform the National Health Service (SNS), as well as reform teachers' service time and career progression.
Partido Socialista (PS)
The centre-left party currently leading the government. The PS proposes to defend democratic socialism and has Pedro Nuno Santos as a candidate for prime minister.
Among the various measures they are proposing, the party intends to return 50% of VAT to those who buy hybrid or electric cars, create an entity that monitors the rental of properties, and guarantee public bank financing for those who buy a house, up to the age of 40.

As for health, the party intends to have permanent care in health centres and diversify health care in the SNS, guaranteeing dentists, paediatricians, ophthalmologists, etc., in public hospitals.
Aliança Democrática (AD)
The new centre-right alliance incorporating PSD, the AD coalition purports to defend liberal conservatism, Christian democracy and economic liberalism and is currently led by Luís Montenegro.
In its program, AD states that it wants to implement a maximum rate of 15% for the IRS of young people up to 35 years of age, as well as fully finance the bank loan for the purchase of the first house.

The right-wing coalition also intends to put vacant properties on the market and equalise maternity and paternity leave, as well as close the pay gap between men and women.
Characterised as the most right-wing party in Portugal, Chega purports to defend national and social conservatism, led and founded by André Ventura, in 2019.
André Ventura's party, among the various measures, defends the fight against the spread of Islamic fundamentalism, arguing that it is a way to promote religious freedom and increase the prison sentence for human trafficking crimes.

Chega intends to equate the minimum pension to the National Minimum Wage and provide one year of paternity and maternity leave, shared between the child's parents.
Iniciativa Liberal (IL)
The party founded in 2017, is located in the center-right, is currently led by Rui Rocha and defends, above all, a liberal economy.
IL supports the privatisation of several services, to create market competition, as well as allowing greater flexibility of choice for the Portuguese to choose between public and private services.

The party led by Rui Rocha intends to give schools more autonomy and invest in clean energy, as well as promote remote work in Portugal.
Bloco de Esquerda (BE)
Founded in 1999, Bloco de Esquerda, as the name suggests, is located on the left of the political spectrum, defending socialist ideals above all.
Being led by Mariana Mortágua, BE intends to give young people from the age of 16 the right to vote, as well as promote free public transport up to the age of 25 and digitalise the education system, putting an end to school textbooks.

The party intends to reduce the growth of Local Accommodation and invest 150 million euros in improving the energy efficiency of homes, making them more comfortable during periods of colder or hotter temperatures.
Coligação Democrática Unitária (CDU)
The CDU is a coalition between the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) and the environmentalist party “Os Verdes”, based on ideals such as communism and ecosocialism.
Currently led by Paulo Raimundo, the party intends to eliminate tuition fees in higher education, as well as lower the retirement age, reaching 65 years.

The party wants to eliminate tax benefits for non-habitual residents, as well as limit rent increases and restrict tenant evictions.
Pessoas Animais e Natureza (PAN)
Founded in 2009, PAN is a centre-left party that defends animal rights, as well as various environmental causes, currently led by Inês Sousa Real.
The PAN program is based on environmental pillars, advocating the ban on animals for entertainment purposes, as well as reducing VAT on animal feed and veterinary care to 6%.

The party also argues that public housing should be expanded and climate refugee status should be created, as well as investing in digital health.
Founded in 2014, the left-wing party, led by Rui Tavares, defends a socialist economy and sustainable progressivism, which promotes the defence of the environment.
The party promises to eradicate unpaid internships, as well as expand the budget for schools and reduce the number of students per class.

Livre also intends to invest in mental health and fight for a four-day workweek, as well as supporting the purchase of the first home.
Deeply in love with music and with a guilty pleasure in criminal cases, Bruno G. Santos decided to study Journalism and Communication, hoping to combine both passions into writing. The journalist is also a passionate traveller who likes to write about other cultures and discover the various hidden gems from Portugal and the world. Press card: 8463.