The Council of the EU has removed five countries, including the USA, from the list of countries for which travel restrictions should be lifted.
The majority of member states voted and decided in favour of re-applying restrictions on Americans coming to European territory, resuming the measures that had been lifted in June, however this is a recommendation and each country can decide whether or not to adopt it.
According to the Council of the EU: “Following a review under the recommendation on the gradual lifting of temporary restrictions on non-essential travel into the EU, the council updated the list of countries…for which travel restrictions should be lifted. In particular Isreal, Kosovo, Lebanon, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia and the United States of America were removed from the list.
The Council recommends that member states should gradually lift the travel restrictions at the external borders for residents from the following third countries: Albania, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Japan, Jordan, New Zealand, Qatar, Republic of Moldova, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, South Korea, Ukraine and China (subject to reciprocity).