With this airline-wide implementation, easyJet estimates that around half a million plastic bottles will be prevented from ending up each year wasted. The crew will start wearing the new suit, made by Northern-Ireland, this month.
“In addition to the fabric reducing plastic waste, the high-tech material is also manufactured using renewable energy sources, giving it a 75 percent smaller carbon footprint than traditional polyester”, the company said in a note.
“Compared to a non-recycled alternative, this suit is more resistant and offers even more elasticity, facilitating adjustment and providing more comfort and durability”, says the company.
At the same time, the company is replacing the use of plastic incorporated in uniforms with recyclable and biodegradable materials, namely by replacing the collar strips (plastic) with recyclable cardboard strips and exchanging the plastic fragments of the shirts for metal.
According to the same note: “easyJet is also reducing the use of disposables of plastic on its flights. In this way, the company presents more sustainable alternatives, having obtained more than 27 million individual plastic items from the retail operation in 2020. In addition, the airline also offers a discount on hot drinks for customers who bring their reusable glass”.