The announcement, published on the page of the Norte 2020 Regional Operational Programme, managed by the Northern Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-N), has a maximum financial allocation of €1.5 million, and explains that operations "with a public funding value of less than €50,000" will not be financed.
The call for Community funding, which is part of the thematic objective 'Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty and all forms of discrimination', is aimed at public and private non-profit-making bodies that intervene with homeless people.
This call for proposals will fund programmes which include the creation of teams to provide psychosocial support and integrated responses aimed at people at risk of exclusion.
The tender aims at developing "responses that implement occupational actions appropriate to the characteristics and vulnerability of homeless people, promoting employability and professional integration".
At the same time, actions are also integrated that favour the "fight against stigma affecting homelessness", namely awareness raising initiatives and personal, emotional and professional training and capacity building actions tailored to the cognitive skills and physical and mental health states of homeless people.
The applications have a maximum duration of two years, "not going beyond 30 June 2023", says the publication.
According to the notice, "the operations to be supported are part of the achievement of the National Strategy for the Integration of Homeless People 2017-2023, which aims to "strengthen an intervention promoting the integration of homeless people.
"The aim is to consolidate a strategic and holistic approach of prevention and intervention, centred on people, so that no one has to remain homeless for lack of alternatives", describes the document.
Being of national scope, the Strategy has "several Planning and Intervention Nuclei for Homeless People (NPISA) in operation, five of them in the Northern Region (Braga, Espinho, Matosinhos, Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia)".
Norte 2020 (2014/2020 North Regional Operational Programme) is a financial instrument with a budget of 3.4 billion Euros to support regional development in the North of Portugal.
It is part of the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement and has CCDR-N as Managing Authority.