Between January and December 2022, 215 more strike notices
were sent to the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity, and Social Security than in the
previous year, when 872 were given, according to statistics from the
Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs of Labour (DGERT).
According to available data, it is necessary to go back to
2013, when Portugal was subject to the troika's financial adjustment programme,
to find a higher number (1,534 notices given).
DGERT data, which refer to notices communicated under the
Labor Code, show that of the total notice given, 908 occurred outside the State
business sector and the remaining 109 in the State business sector. The number
of notices communicated may, however, not correspond to the strikes actually
carried out, as some may have been suspended.
Considering only the month of December, 224 notices were
communicated, an increase of 24% compared to the same month of the previous
year when 181 were given.