According to preliminary data, between January and June 2021, UMAR recorded, through the Observatory of Murdered Women (OMA), 14 murders of women, six of which were “victims of femicides in relationships of intimacy”.
There were also 27 attempted murders, of which UMAR considers that 23 of them were attempted femicides in the context of intimate relationships.
The OMA data is the result of the collection of news published in the media in Portugal and includes "all women who were intentionally murdered".
In relation to murders, intentional deaths are counted, but in which it was not possible to identify a gender motivation.
During 2020, the OMA counted 35 women murdered, 19 of which were victims of femicides in a context of intimacy, while another 16 were killed in contexts as diverse as financial issues, conflicts with neighbours or following a robbery.
“With regard to attempts, there were 57 attempted murders in 2020, of which 50 were femicide attempts in intimate relationships and 7 attempted murders of women in other contexts”, the report reads.