The PS wants to change the Donor Statute with an initiative that "protects, with the force of law, the non-discrimination of men who have sex with men in blood donation." At the same time, it aims to promote blood donation among young people.
According to the socialists, technicians from the Portuguese Institute of Blood and Transplantation continue, in many cases, to consider men who have sex with men, even with a stable partner, as having had contact with a subpopulation with increased risk of infection, preventing from being able to give blood. "Reports of this discrimination have been widely reported, denounced by the LGBT associative movement and also communicated to deputies of this Parliamentary Group", reads a text that accompanies the draft diploma and which recalls that the process started in 2010, when the Assembly of Republic recommended the government adopt measures to combat discrimination against homosexuals and bisexuals in blood collection services.
The PS wants the law, to be approved, to enter into force on the day following its publication, similarly to what the other parties with proposals in this matter are asking for.
The PAN (People – Animals – Nature) presents a project, which advocates awareness campaigns and training for health professionals.
Like the PS, it recalls that the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation, but that there have been several reports to the contrary.
“There are several reports that indicate a lack of definition in blood donation procedures, with advances and setbacks on the part of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) with regard to the issued norms”, sustains the party.
The Left Bloc advances with an initiative in which it recalls the insufficiency of the measures approved so far.
"This legislative initiative is another step so that unjustifiable discrimination in blood donation will definitely cease to exist, promoting the enshrinement of the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sexual characteristics in the Blood Donor Statute, approved by Law no. 37/2012, of 27 August”, reads the document that the BE takes to the plenary.
BE also wants the Portuguese Institute of Blood and Transplantation to promote, in partnership with educational institutions, blood donor associations and associations for the protection of LGBTQI+ rights, an annual campaign to encourage blood donation from young people and the clarification of the population about the importance of donating blood and the eligibility criteria.
Non-attached deputy Cristina Rodrigues alleges that the current situation violates the principle of equality and defends that the Government should promote "a broad national campaign" with public opinion and health institutions, in conjunction with local authorities and associations that work in the fight against discrimination.
This month, the Instituto Português do Sangue filed three investigation processes against professionals for alleged discriminatory practices in the blood donation of homosexual men, understanding that there are no facts that justify disciplinary infraction.
Will the bill also discuss that English/British residents can also give blood ? As I have heard many times Portuguese refuse donations from Brits over the mad cow scare that was many moons ago , I have donated in the UK 28 times and my blood has been used for many donations to help all people , so why not here , seems v crazy
By Keith from Algarve on 30 Sep 2021, 11:10
Blood donations are a must in well managed modern societies provided that controls are in place to preclude those who may carry a blood transmitted disease from donating it. So, some controls must be mandatory to ensure public health safety! Otherwise, it's a crime allowing people who might carry deadly blood transmitted diseases to donate blood! Abandoning well established blood safety protocols and guidelines is a crime!
By Tony Fernandes from Other on 01 Oct 2021, 11:17
Why do medical facts and statistics have to be politicized ? If a particular sexual behaviour shows a higher medical risk of contamination there should not even be a discussion.
By Gilbert Drui from Lisbon on 02 Oct 2021, 17:13