Analysis by Colibri Aircraft shows that the registration of private jets in the Western European space grew to 2,444 aircraft, compared to 2,414 in 2020 and 2,344 in 2019.
Data from the firm specialising in the sale, resale and purchase of used private aircraft reveals that Germany has the largest fleet, with a registration of 485 aircraft, followed by the United Kingdom (including Isle of Man, Guernsey and Jersey) with 453.
Portugal appears on the list with 128 aircraft, ahead of countries such as Switzerland, Italy or Spain, although the data indicates that Portugal was one of the countries that registered the greatest drop in the number of private jets registered between 2019 and 2021, with a total of six less recorded.
The biggest drops in the number of private jets can be seen in the Isle of Man where there are 33 fewer aircraft, followed by the United Kingdom (-22) and France (-10).
In countries with the highest increase in private jets, between 2019 and 2021, the ranking is led by Germany (+36 aircraft), Malta (+30) and Guernsey (+18).
Oliver Stone, CEO of Colibri Aircraft, said in a statement that “the private jet market held up extremely well during the Covid-19 crisis. Given the problems in the commercial aviation sector, with flights being cancelled, for example, and with almost 700 fewer contact points flying, the existing owners of these aircraft keep them under control, and the market has seen new companies and people looking to buy their first jets.”