“The measures seem to me to be very balanced. Balanced between, on the one hand, precaution, and on the other, neither closing society nor closing the economy", said Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.
Asked whether Christmas and New Year's Eve are guaranteed with these measures and no additional measures will be necessary, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa argued that for this reason the measures were presented “at this distance” from the festive season.
The President of the Republic also said that he has "been permanently comparing, day by day, the numbers of a year ago and this year" and, until now, there is "a great disparity, a great difference, which is called vaccination".
As previously stated, mask wearing outdoors has zero proof of efficacy while taking Vitamins D and C daily has. This is yet another case of politicians choosing to be visibly seen to be doing something rather than actually doing something.
By Mac Nicolson from Algarve on 26 Nov 2021, 23:17
Very disappointed we are back to the mask wearing outside on the street; that's not really necessary and doesn't prevent infections unless you're close for a period of time to someone with a chat. Close proximities, stadium games, concerts, bars discos and similar, absolutely masks! Portugal was doing so well but you let your "working" guards down when you dropped the mask indoors requirement. Many places in the US/France etc. insist on masks and PROOF of immunization WHICH YOU HAD but when elections came they disappeared and LOOK what happened; DON'T let it happen again or another bad tourism year. Breakthroughs even vaccinated people because the tax expires to 40% after 5 months (Israeli VERIFIED science tests and we need 92%) and you are late on the boosters that should have been for "everyone" starting early September. Get your booster and rally to be able to breathe fresh air and smile outside; you'll feel much better mentally and physically.
By Wesley from Other on 27 Nov 2021, 07:01
Many people dont like what I am now saying, but when studying the annual mortality statistics 2020 and 2021 and compare with the past 20 years there was no significant higher mortality, and the people who died did not die caused by any flu they passed away displaying flu symptoms during 30 days before day of death. Majority of deaths is people age 75 or older and all of them with other health issues and weak immune system. People who is reported dead with the flu called covid 19 would also have died with or from a cold, stomach illness or season flu. It is not possible to vaccinate away seasonal flu variants of viruses, we see this now when 3 injections did not make any difference in Denmark, Norway, Israel, Gibraltar and many more countries. And lock downs, masks and closing borders doesnt help anything it actually increase the health problems in a country. If the madness vaccinations continue people is going to loose natural immunity for future illnesses and viruses. I say again nobody who was not supposed to die have died the past 2 years, the tests are not to be trusted, and lock downs, masks and other measures are creating more health issues, mental problems and suicides among populations where the state continue with fear propaganda, masks and draconian lock downs.
By Magnus from Other on 28 Nov 2021, 08:26
Like you say Magnus you and the others are complete IDIOTS . !!!!!!@.
By J from Lisbon on 28 Nov 2021, 10:32
Magnus is 100% correct, however J & the others who are incapable of critical thought and only use MSM (who in turn quote “experts with vested interests in big pharma” as well as WEF lapdogs) as sources for their information are unable to see this and are subsequently to blame for this ever increasing dystopian world we find ourselves in!
By SS from Algarve on 29 Nov 2021, 07:35