The diploma, which will be debated and voted on this Friday, provides for a “transitional regime of mandatory use of masks in public spaces”, the need for which will be decided by the Government.
"If the measure appears necessary, adequate and proportional to the prevention, containment or mitigation of epidemiological infection by covid-19, the Government may, through the Resolution of the Council of Ministers declaring a situation of alert, contingency or calamity, determine the obligation the use of masks by people aged over 10 years for access, circulation or permanence in public spaces and streets whenever the physical distance recommended by the health authorities proves to be impractical”, states the diploma.
As for the conditions that determine this need, the bill only mentions that it will be “measured based on data on the evolution of the pandemic, namely based on the increase in the number of infections and on the rate of transmission of the disease”, without quantifying it.
The use of masks in public spaces was no longer mandatory from September and lasted a total of 318 days since the law was initially passed on October 28, 2020, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, which was successively renewed by parliament.
When will people finally realize that it is absolutely down to the anti vaxxers and anti mask people who take no precautions that we are now entering another period of restricted life. If you ever want your life back as before, then get vaccinated and start to act like a responsible member of society would be my message to these people. I know some people won't like what I am saying but it at the moment we have no other option than to use the tools we have at our disposal. Vaccination and physical distancing and isolation from the virus sources.
By David Greenslade from Algarve on 26 Nov 2021, 15:25
Masks were only required in the street if you could not maintain 2 metres distance. The media distortion of this has led to fear and people gardening in their masks.
By Ian Chestney from Other on 26 Nov 2021, 19:00