Despite not indicating concrete date, Graça Freitas said in an interview with the Lusa, that the number of cases of Covid-19 continues to decrease, as well as the number of hospitalisations and deaths.
“We have a positive expectation that at the beginning of April or the end of March” the level set by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control will drop to less than 20 deaths per million inhabitants in 14 days.
“And so we continue to follow the evolution of mortality. Obviously we cannot say the exact day on which this will happen, but we have a positive expectation”, she said.
Graça Freitas said that Portugal is one of the countries that, while still having an intense activity of the disease, has all its indicators pointing to a decreasing trend.
“This gives us confidence that in the spring we will have a more favourable epidemiological situation than we have now and, therefore, possibly allowing further easing of the measures we are taking,” she explained.
Regarding the report on the epidemiological situation of Covid-19 from the DGS, which is no longer a daily report, Graça Freitas said that the process is in transition.
“We produce 10 different documents weekly for different purposes and the one that is best known is the so-called daily bulletin”, but “we are working with the tutelage to create a new bulletin”, she announced.
According to Graça Freitas, the bulletin will have other indications that make it possible to follow “with transparency, as always, the epidemic, but without being on a daily basis”.
“What is important to say is that the system is assembled with a series of sensors that will allow us to monitor changes that occur in the dynamics of the virus and in the transmission of the disease and its severity, daily and hourly,” she said.