“The Lajes base continues to be an indispensable resource for the defense of the western world and the preservation of peace in the world. Let us have no doubt about it. Essential throughout the 20th century, the base of Lajes can, in the current global geopolitical context, reassume a decisive role in terms of security and defense”, said the vice-president of the Azorean executive, Artur Lima.
The official was speaking at the base in Lajes, at the opening session of the second edition of the maritime safety course, promoted by Centro do Atlântico.
Artur Lima considered that that initiative “corroborates the geostrategic importance” of the Azores.
“The centrality of the archipelago, associated with the vastness of its Exclusive Economic Zone, the geopolitical asset that is the basis of Lajes and the potential of its resources, configures a renewed opportunity for Portugal, for Europe and for the world”, he stressed.
For the vice-president of the Azorean executive, it is necessary to ensure that the development of the region is “driven by the full use” of its “geostrategic and geopolitical potential”, which will bring “effective economic return”.