According to information released by REN - Redes Energéticas
Nacionais, “electricity consumption in Portugal increased by 7.2% in July,
compared to the same period last year, driven by temperatures above normal
values ” .
At the same time, “on the 13th, a Wednesday, there was the
highest daily consumption ever recorded in Portugal in the summer period, 163.5
GWh [gigawatts-hour], exceeding the previous maximum, recorded in 2010”.
According to the same data, “with correction for the effects
of temperature and the number of working days, there was a year-on-year monthly
growth of 4.9%”, indicated REN.
According to the company, “in the first seven months of the
year, consumption grew, compared to the same period of the previous year, 3.5%,
or 3.3% with temperature correction and working days”.