immigrants move to Portugal to find a job and, therefore, find better living
conditions and, most of the time, send money to help their families still
living in the country they were born. The largest immigrant community in
Portugal is from Brazil, whether it is to study, or to work, there is at least
no language barrier, this makes the move to Portugal much easier than it is for
people who come from Nepal, for example.
Data from
Gabinete de Estratégia e Mar (GEE) reveals that Portugal has more than 21,000
Nepalese living in the country, occupying the 11th position of the largest
immigrant community in Portugal. Diário de Notícias in March 2022, quotes the
Portugal Hindu Community saying that there may be 50,000 Nepalese living in
Portugal, that ask for help to legalise their presence in the country.
constitute 3.3 percent of the foreign community living in Portugal, according
to GEE. The greatest number of Nepalese live in the Lisbon district, with
11.853 inhabitants coming from Nepal, followed by Beja, Faro and Setúbal, with
around 2,000 inhabitants in each district.
stance of a Nepalese
Druh Thapa
has been living in Portugal since 2011 with his family after travelling to
“more than 37 countries”, he chose Portugal to be his “second home”. He
told The Portugal News that his family decided to live in the country so
they could live a “better life, with less stress, because of weather, cultures,
temperature” and many other reasons.
Portugal, Druh’s family feel that the country is calmer, when compared to other
European countries, furthermore, Portugal can easily integrate immigrants, he
added, even though the difficulties during the “paper process” like getting the
Tax Number, Social Security Number, and others, Druh admits that the
bureaucracy may make the process “a bit discouraging”. In the country, Druh and
his family felt welcomed by the neighbourhood, despite feeling like they “stood
out”. Either way, Druh Thapa mentions that Nepalese are welcomed by the
Portuguese as the people are, in general, “hard-working, trustworthy and good
a job
Druh told The
Portugal News that finding a job or starting a new business was “easier
before Covid-19”, after the pandemic situation the bureaucracy grew, and the
process is longer. When it comes to finding a job, things are getting harder as
there are many people from “neighbouring countries” looking for a job.
Is it
hard to live in Portugal?
abroad may be a challenge, homesickness and longing are probably the most
overwhelming feeling an immigrant can feel. Besides that, Druh mentions that
for now the hardest task for Nepalese, when arriving in Portugal is “to find
lodging and work”, as there are a lot of people aiming for the same.
In this
context, Druh Thapa and his family aim to create an “association that can help
newcomers get settled” and helps Nepalese with the paper process, along with
“training in vocational skills which will help people to get jobs more easily”.
Deeply in love with music and with a guilty pleasure in criminal cases, Bruno G. Santos decided to study Journalism and Communication, hoping to combine both passions into writing. The journalist is also a passionate traveller who likes to write about other cultures and discover the various hidden gems from Portugal and the world. Press card: 8463.

They might as well everybody else is.
Shameful. !!!!!!!!!!!
By J from Lisbon on 17 Oct 2022, 06:56
The influx of foreigners has many results. Some groups grow naturally and develop over time, others result from the need for solutions. These results manifest in positive developments and if not well managed in negative. Look at São Teotonio for example, until 10 years ago a lovely characteristic typical Portuguese town. Today the town size has multiplied with amongst other nationalities, Nepalese, sharing houses like sardines in a can, working at the Monsanto franchise berry farms (for peanuts, no pun intended). São Teotonio has lost his character, for the worse. Nobody really won, except (maybe) for the berry farm owners. It all went really quickly, with no clear end nor direction in sight. Other places like Carvoeiro and Albufeira lost their heritage to tourism. City councils and the population gradually adapted here and tourism development in some regard benefitted the area. The fundamental thing here is that preparation by national and local government is key to the success of the integration and increase of opportunities for both native and immigrant population. There are many examples of Northern European countries that failed to prepare for this in the 70's, now dealing with the consequences. I can only hope this will not happen to Portugal.
By Olli B from Beiras on 17 Oct 2022, 19:53
The generalized impunity of Portugal attracts many undersired human capital. The Portuguese have to say excuse me to live. Brazilians for instance have already taken Portugal demographics.
By Diogo F. from Lisbon on 17 Oct 2022, 20:18
I work in a restaurant that had 3 Nepalese and 6 Brazilians, now has 6 Nepalese and 3 Brazilians and I'm the only one from Africa. ????
By Tules from Lisbon on 17 Oct 2022, 20:23
One thing my Late Mother Taught me is the only thing which is constant is Change, which is being experienced by Portugal at the moment, I met lot of Portuguese Immigrants in different countries and I learnt they're like me and rest of the immigrants after i moved to Portugal.
Once in a while I meet a Racist person, Men and Women, first thing they tell me is if I speak in English is, "Isto é Portugal, fale português..." I avoid arguments like these and tell them, Yes Estou aprendendo, mas leva tempo, talvez você possa me ensinar algumas palavras novas , then the racists reply, ah that's not Portuguese from Portugal, that's Brazilian Portuguese, the. I reply well A person will learn from those who really wants to teach, instead of being Racist.
I noticed similar vibe in some comments, i guess some people never change, nor do they wanna accept the incoming change.
Portugal will be more diverse in ways of culture, Languages and people, so any racist here can sit aside and cry.
By Nitin Kapoor from Lisbon on 18 Oct 2022, 07:48
Lots of people who send In these comments. Don't know what racism is.!!!!!!!!!!!
By J from Lisbon on 18 Oct 2022, 09:15
I understand why alot of people immigrate to Portugal, it is clean, inexpensive to live in, safe along with hospitable, trustworthy, hardworking people. And the business sector is booming. The economy is better than alot of countries in Europe as well as around the world. I love Portugal.
By Lisa from Other on 18 Oct 2022, 22:22
I have no problem Portugal taking in emigrants looking for a better life but don't put your own citizens aside to help these emigrants like Portugal is doing and been doing for years already Portugal business will give foreigners a job quicker than a citizen from the country and in general companies DONT want you to be to smart you become competition to the staff and at the same time like that they can pay you the minimum salary and companies in general here in Portugal use and abuse they staff on working conditions and amongs other things in the work place I myself didn't get a job because I could run the guy's company and probably make way more money for the company and give a good name in the building industry but the owner was to scared to give me the job incase a stole his clients and set up my own company oh well that's Portugal for you where the lunch break is 2 hours PEOPLE drink.and go back to work under the influence of alcohol and become a danger to themselves and the public and this is everywhere in Portugal
By Flavio Maru Lopes from Porto on 19 Oct 2022, 12:15
Dear all reader, portugal is the best land of the world and land of tolerance ,humanity and prosparity is the best signs of portguese society . all round the world migrant gathering in portugal for quality life resion for lovely weather peace and harmony . but this time portugal facing so many criticle problem in diffrent angle of socialization of international migration . social and cultural intigration policy and pratice are so good but some time so many other factor influnce this fenomena . strating peroid of entrance in portugal notes so easy to start up regular life manage work resident, documents and legal procedure of SEF are rerally serious work for migration people . but day by day time became easy step of regular life in portugal .
By Bishnu Prasad Khanal from Lisbon on 17 Nov 2022, 18:17