In these situations,
associations support and help stray animals, or even animals that have already
been adopted, as is the case of APA – Associação de Defesa dos Animais – Torres Vedras.
Ângela Assis told The
Portugal News that the association was formed in 1982 by “a group of
people committed to helping the countless abandoned animals in the municipality
of Torres Vedras”. The group started its activity to support animals at the
Municipal Kennel, but the desire to help led to the creation of events and a
physical space, where it was possible to accommodate more animals.
Ângela Assis said that
there are currently “389 [animals] in the care of the APA”, between dogs and
cats, some in foster families. In addition, the association provides food and
care for animals from 12 families. Animals arrive in the APA spaces in the most
diverse ways, the most frequent being through appeals sent by email, or even
from families who deliver the animals because they are unable to provide the
animal with all the necessary welfare conditions. In other cases, the
authorities also inform the APA in case there is an animal at risk, usually in
situations of negligence and mistreatment.
Support for
Sterilisation is one
solution to tackle animal abandonment. If it could be possible to sterilise
street animals, or even animal that lives at home, more worrying situations can
be avoided, such as the appearance of an unexpected litter.
In this context, the
APA promotes the Ester project, which “serves to solicit donations for the
sterilisation of stray animals”, which happens to be “the only dignified
solution to stop the abandonment and neglect of domestic animals.” Despite not
being able to quantify all the work of the APA in this area, Ângela Assis said
that since 2020, more than 4,000 animals have already been sterilised, with the
help of the APA.
Helping those at home
It is not just street
animals that receive support from the APA, many families receive support
concerning sterilisation, as well as support for those who have financial
difficulties, but have a lot of “affection” to offer their animals.
Help those who help
Ângela Assis starts by
saying that to help the association, those who have animals must treat them
well, ensuring all the care that a pet needs. However, there are other forms of
support for the APA, such as joining the association, upon payment of a fee of
at least 15 euros. It is possible to sponsor an animal, giving a monthly amount
of 10 euros to the association that reverts to food and other care for the
sponsored animal.
Luxury team
The APA also works in part due to the “enormous effort of the volunteers who rescue, care for, clean and feed thousands of animals” throughout the country, emphasises Ângela Assis. She also revealed that she has felt a growing interest in the animal cause, especially in the younger generations, who are much more active in volunteering and other activities.
Deeply in love with music and with a guilty pleasure in criminal cases, Bruno G. Santos decided to study Journalism and Communication, hoping to combine both passions into writing. The journalist is also a passionate traveller who likes to write about other cultures and discover the various hidden gems from Portugal and the world. Press card: 8463.

"Affection" for animals???? The Portuguese mistreat animals without a drop of affection nor respect. The whole country is infested with wild dogs and cats producing litter after litter of more strays . Sterilising these poor animals is definitely not enough. There needs to be a strict control on who can have pets and how they are treated. Leaving dogs barking and chained up is no way to treat animals.
By S from Other on 24 Nov 2022, 20:21