This time of year we become aware of mould, and anyone
living in Portugal will be aware of it - it’s like an insidious creature,
once it gets a foothold in your home, it starts to spread. You can smell
it on your clothes, your shoes will start to go green, and it creeps over
A lot of the older buildings in Portugal lack proper
insulation in the external walls, and this paired with dampness and humidity
make the perfect environment for mould. Black mould, which is one of the worst
types, is quite common during the wintertime, and it can live in the walls,
floors and ceilings of a building without being seen, sometimes causing health
issues. It can spread unseen for such long periods that it requires intensive
treatment once discovered. And In the winter, the laundry that’s been hanging
out all day comes in almost wetter than when you put it out, and its dampness
just adds to the problem.
Where is mould most likely to be found?
Mould will grow in places with a lot of moisture –
leaky roofs, windows, or pipes, or where there has been flooding. Mould will
grow on pretty much everything – paper, cardboard, ceiling tiles, wood
products, in dust, paints, insulation, carpet, fabric and upholstery. Mould can
grow on or fill in the empty spaces and crevices of porous materials, so the
mould may be difficult or impossible to remove completely.
The most common indoor moulds are actually more than
one and cause different reactions. Stachybotrys - commonly called ‘black
mould,’ this type of mould is highly toxic and dominates other types of mould
that already have established colonies. Alternia -is dark grey, brown or
black with a velvety texture. This is another common type of mould and one of
the biggest causes of allergic reactions- Aspergillus - black on
the surface and usually white-ish or yellow underneath. This mould is also a
culprit of mould infestations in buildings, and can cause health issues in
humans and animals. Cladosporium - brown to blackish-brown or
grey-green- This mould thrives at nearly all temperatures, including extreme
cold, and can be a major cause of asthma attacks. Penicillium - This is
the one mould that has been put to good use- It contains mycotoxins that have
been developed into beneficial antibiotics.
What is the difference between Mildew and
Put simply, mildew is a kind of mould that tends to
grow on flat, moist surfaces, and is one of the main differences that can exist
between mould and mildew. While mildew can cause damage to a home, the damage
is usually more cosmetic – for instance, on bathroom tiles, it doesn’t look
good, but can be wiped off. So, without a doubt, mould is worse than mildew.
Can mould be eliminated?
The way to control indoor mould is to control
moisture. Reduce humidity to 30-60%, by venting bathrooms, dryers and other
moisture-generating sources to the outside, using air conditioners and
de-humidifiers, increasing ventilation, using exhaust fans whenever cooking,
dishwashing and cleaning, and clean and dry any damp or wet areas within 24-48
hours to prevent mould growth.
Clean mould off hard surfaces with water and
detergent, and dry completely. Absorbent materials such as ceiling tiles that
are mouldy, may need to be replaced. Reduce the potential for
condensation on cold surfaces (i.e., windows, piping, exterior walls, roof, or
floors) by adding insulation.
What kills mould and mildew instantly?
Use undiluted white vinegar on hard surfaces in kitchens
and baths. A bleach solution also works to kill mould. Mix one cup of bleach in
a gallon of water, apply to the surface and don't rinse. Borax is one of the
best products to use for mould removal around the house. It’s a natural
compound and compared to other mould removal products, borax doesn’t exude
toxic fumes, doesn’t cause skin irritations and it isn’t harmful to the
environment. Borax is used as a natural fungicide and herbicide, and can kill
most types of household mould spores.
If you are unsure about how to clean an item, or if
the item is expensive or of sentimental value, you may wish to consult a
Marilyn writes regularly for The Portugal News, and has lived in the Algarve for some years. A dog-lover, she has lived in Ireland, UK, Bermuda and the Isle of Man.

The article is OK but doesnt emphasise that mold os the result of condensation of water vapour on a cold surface. Remover the cold surface with insulation and no new mold.
By Peter Densham from Algarve on 26 Nov 2022, 22:07
Thanks for the good tips to remove mould!
By Naomi from Alentejo on 28 Nov 2022, 14:05