“The average Rt value for the days from February 6 to 10 was 1.12” in Portugal, says the weekly report by INSA on the evolution of cases of Covid-19 in the country.
The Rt - which estimates the number of secondary cases of infection resulting from each person carrying the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus - thus increased from 0.99 to 1.12 at the national level.
The data released also indicates that this indicator is above 1.00 in all regions of the country, with the North registering 1.13, the Centre 1.01, Lisbon and the Tagus Valley 1.14, the Alentejo 1.07, the Algarve 1.36, the Azores 1.43 and Madeira 1.28.
“In the European comparison, Portugal has a 14-day cumulative notification rate of between 20 and 59.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and an Rt greater than 1, that is, a reduced notification rate with an increasing trend”, says INSA.
The average number of infections, on average over five days, also rose from 188 to 244 daily cases nationwide, being lower on the continent (199).