The ‘Multifaceted Globes’ project was inspired by the five continents and focuses on its people, nature and characteristics on two Saturn-like rings. It is a depiction of the world from the perspective of each of the multicultural artists which focuses on the union and diversity of the planet. This feature will give an insight into the globes inspired by the Continent Asia and the fantastic artists behind them, where in the coming weeks we will dive into each of the continents that inspired the 15 globes.
Karl Heinz, both a German entrepreneur and sculptural artist, “quietly studied the basics of stone, sculpturing whilst attaining a degree in economy. He set up his own studio in 1987 while simultaneously advancing in his career as a banker. Given Karl Heinz’s multifaceted persona, when asked if he would describe himself as an artist, he candidly replies “I see myself not as an artist but as a designer and a developer of projects which are not limited to art but also extend to social and economical structures.”
After having settled in Portugal, and while running the up-and-coming Quinta dos Vales, his wine and art farm in Estombar (where he grows internationally recognised award-winning wines under the label “Marquês dos Vales”), Karl Heinz decided it was time to share the group’s creations with the public, with his first exhibition taking place in 2009. Since then there have been 25 public and private exhibitions in venues such as shopping centres and museums in major cities, not only in the Algarve but also throughout Portugal which includes “Dance of the Bears” and “Passion” which can be seen at Quinta dos Vales.

Before diving into the concept behind the globes, it is important to mention that the 11 local artists are Franco Charais, Toin Adams, Henryka Woerle, Stela Barreto, Elke Heiner, Jessica Dunn, Sofia Barreto, Jill Stott, Meinke Flesseman, Kasia Wrona and Vitalij Manich.
Sofia Barreto has been dedicated from a young age to arts in general, classical and modern dance, drawing, and painting. A student of Stela Barreto in Drawing and Painting Arts, she followed the field of fine arts in secondary education and received a First Prize for Painting and second place in the “Search for the graphic image EMARP”.

One of the Asia-inspired globes is by Sofia Barreto which focuses on Asia’s nature, in which she explains “A continent full of natural attractions and stunning flora and fauna with many animals: more than 100 species of mammals, with black bears being the most interesting on the continent, along with the red-faced monkey of Japan; more than 100 species of birds, reptiles, and fish.”
Another globe is by painter Stela Barreto who was born in Portimão in 1952 and was a student at the School of Álvaro Torrão (awakened by the Course of Drawing and Painting Arts of José Maria Parramón – Spain), later completed the Course of Art in Fabric at the School Decorative Arts António Arroio in Lisbon. She teaches Artistic Drawing, Painting and Creative Techniques in high school and INICIARTE association, a project of hers, based in the House of Arts in Portimão. She has worked around the country and abroad in museums, various institutions and private collections.

One of the globes is dedicated to Asia’s characteristics which was completed by British artist Jessica Dunn who studied painting at Kingston Polytechnic and moved to Portugal in 1987. Jessica has settled in the Algarve with her Portuguese husband and two young daughters, who are a constant source of inspiration for her work. Jessica has exhibited extensively across Portugal, at the Corte Real Gallery and GT Studio in the Algarve, Galeria Cógito in Setúbal, at the Eaton Gallery in London and the Biennale Internazionale Dell’Arte Contemporanea in Florence.
In regards to her concept, she represented features of Asia “using a series of abstract shapes in strong reds on a greenish turquoise background, with touches of metallic chandelier. The shapes appear to be symbols but do not have a specific meaning, creating a visual effect that evokes the essence of Asia. The colors were applied, using an airbrush, in thin layers and varying tones, to produce a rich and bright effect. The motifs are immediately identifiable as Asian, such as the Buddha, Japanese geisha and the custom of the ancient tea ceremony.”

Jessica also did a second fantastic globe which was inspired by the people of Asia. “Asia covers a vast area of the world, encompassing immense populations and cultures. I decided to paint the Asian children with bright, charged colors to express the joy and colorful temperament that I naturally associate with this part of the world. The ink was aerographed to create a kaleidoscope of colors, conjuring a youthful and celebratory spirit.”
Following undertaking her university degree in English with American Literature in the UK, Cristina da Costa Brookes moved back to Portugal to pursue a career in Journalism, where she has worked at The Portugal News for 3 years. Cristina’s passion lies with Arts & Culture as well as sharing all important community-related news.