Everyone will be mentally, emotionally and physically free for true love does not bind anyone. Our relationships will be wholesome, enriching and joyous. You can prepare now by cutting away the cords that tie you to others. And the angels will help you.
Cutting the cords
Unconditional love does not form cords so you only release energies that are holding you back.
Every thought you send to someone transmits an impulse of energy. Sometimes these are mild or scattered and soon disperse. However, repeated angry, fearful or needy thoughts and words can energetically fasten into another person and create a binding cord. This may be like string, rope, wire or even barbed wire.
Once people are tied in this way, they manipulate or control each other emotionally. They may want to be free but they cannot release themselves until the psychic cords are cut.
My experience
If I have a problem with a relationship my first action is to uncord myself so that I can get a better perspective on what is happening. My granddaughter was not getting on with her mother. My guide said that she was so connected to me that her mother was feeling rejected. I agreed to uncord my granddaughter. We were linked at the solar plexus and to my surprise, I felt acute pain when the cord was cut. However, I was very pleased for it set her free to form a better relationship with her mother and we were all much happier.
Healing a relationship
Sarah was thin and needy. She could not live with her partner nor could she live without him and their co-dependent relationship was terrible for they were unconsciously manipulating each other all the time. She was concerned that asking the angels to set her free would upset the relationship! I assured her that angels only release negative cords. When she finally set her intention to cut the cords with the help of her angels, she closed her eyes and relaxed. She was surprised to see that she and her partner were entangled in wire, some of it barbed. Her guardian angel stood beside her and encouraged her to cut away the wire with cutters and then to throw the bits onto a blazing fire, to transmute the energy.
Phew! She felt such relief and was horrified by what she and her lover had done to each other from jealousy and neediness. Her angel enfolded her in its wings and, with a deep feeling of peace, she was able to make decisions to change herself and her behaviour.
Their relationship started to heal.
Sometimes the healing is in separation. After uncording two people may decide to go their separate ways.
The angels always make sure that the outcome is for the highest good.
Note. Don’t uncord your small children for they need the bond with the parent.
Visualisation to ask your angel to set you free
1. Relax in a place where you can be quiet and undisturbed.
2. Imagine the other person in front of you.
3. Sense or see what the cords between you feel like. They may be thick rope, knotted string, wire or anything that comes into your mind. This represents the energy that you have been sending each other.
4. You may be able to sense where the cords are in your body, for example, one may be round your neck strangling you so that you cannot speak up, or in your solar plexus so you feel disempowered.
5. Look carefully. You may have several cords. Check again when you have noted the first ones.
6. Ask your angel to support you and cut the cords with whatever is appropriate – scissors, a wire cutter, a saw or something else.
7. Celebrate your freedom.
8. Thank your angel and open your eyes.
About Diana Cooper
Diana Cooper’s spiritual journey started 40 years ago with an angelic visitation and she has worked with Angels ever since. She has written 34 books translated into 28 languages.
She has travelled world-wide sharing inspiration from the higher realms and now teaches regular on-line courses. She founded the Diana Cooper School of White Light, a not for profit organisation offering spiritual teaching courses throughout the world.
Diana Cooper’s spiritual journey started 40 years ago with an angelic visitation and she has worked with Angels ever since. She has written 33 books translated into 28 languages.
She has travelled world-wide sharing inspiration from the higher realms and now teaches regular on-line courses. She founded the Diana Cooper School of White Light, a not-for-profit organisation offering spiritual teaching courses throughout the world. www.dianacooper.com