“On December 31st, 2022, the average estimated age of workers in public administration (48.1 years) and of all its subsectors was higher than the average age of the country’s active population (44 years). The highest values were recorded in the subsectors of social security (51.9 years) and local administration (49.7) years,” the document reads.

In global terms, “the average age of women in public administration was greater than that of men by 1.5 years, which is explained mostly by the difference in average ages in the subsector of central administration (2.7 years).”

“Excluding careers in armed forces and security, the average age of workers in public administration and central administration grew by at least a year: from 48.1 years to 49.1 years in the case of the global indicator for public administration and from 47.7 years to 49 years in the case of central administration,” it adds.

According to the data shared, the “average estimated age for all workers in public administration in 2022 grew by 4.5 years compared to the end of 2011, noting that in 2022, the average age of women (48.7) was higher than that of men (47.2).”

“Not considering the careers in armed forces and security, the average age of civil servants grew, generally, to 49.1 years of age, being higher in men (49.4 years) than in women (48.9 years).”