Especially with their ‘Pop-Ups’ and events. All profits go to SNiP, their Spaying and Neutering Programme, not only for APAA and their many cat colonies, but also other shelters and groups needing a helping hand. ‘Here to Help’ is their motto. APAA once a shelter, is now a charity within a charity. Hands-on President, Jenny Clarke, explains. “Through our SNiP campaign, we can target cat colonies across several communities. We’ve become popular with a couple of the local restaurants.” Really? “Ideal breeding grounds. Food, usually a nicely hidden garden to hang out. Residents are only too keen to get the problem sorted, usually through word of mouth.” Mission impossible? Zélia Santos is the head Cat Lady. “Her skills and knowledge go far beyond the realms of feral, feline cat-land. Patience is unlimited. If one gets away, she’ll be back.” Trap ready! Jumping Jupiter.

Re-homing abandoned dogs high on APAA’s ‘get it sorted list’. Gary, at busy business friends’, Pet Park, has been looking after Lady/Jess. Recently abandoned in Silves. He reports. “She’s found her forever home with Maria and her pets. Apparently, she saw her dogs’ photograph on ‘Facebook’ playing with Jess here at Pet Park. That sealed the deal!” Thanks to Team APAA, small but dedicated, always on the lookout for new helpers and members. Another job well done.
Diary Dates:
‘Pop-Up’ Shop at APAA’s favourite country event, restaurant ‘O Tasco’, Senhora do Verde. Monday 18th March 12-3pm. Friendly Menu always available. Book direct 282 471769. APAA Special! Tuesday 19th March scenic ‘Recanto dos Mouros’, Silves. All are welcome for lunch at 12.30pm (ish). Raffle and mini ‘Pop-Up’ table. (Members only for AGA meeting at 11.30am), guests can always have a pre-lunch drink and buy a raffle ticket or a gift! Convent’bio Lagoa, Friday 5th April, 11-4pm. Restaurant for all tastes. All ‘Pop-Up’ Shops have premium quality household goodies. Ornaments, bedding, toys, and jewellery. Ironing sets, hospitality trays. Always something special.
APAA’s new website will be launched soon, to keep everyone up-to-date with what is going on. Follow them on ‘Facebook’. Estombar and Jolly’s had very good attendances. Happily successful despite the dismal weather. I Guess Julius missed out on the ‘Pop-Up’ at the forum then? Shame.

Can’t get to a ‘Pop-Up’? Visit Charity Shops in Alvor and Silves. Both are full of goodies, duvets, rugs, and larger household items. Something special? Pop-In friendly staff to meet and greet. Not forgetting Jenny’s jams, preserves, marmalades and Jackie’s scrummy cookies. Yeah!
APAA: or info.apaaportugal@gmailcom
Cat Colonies: