On one side of the coin, drawn by guitarist Tó Trips, you can see an X made with his arms. On the other side is written "Xutos & Pontapés" and "Rock 'n' Roll since 1979" and the letter "X", which is the band's symbol.
The Casa da Moeda series dedicated to Portuguese musicians began last year, with a coin dedicated to José Afonso.
The official formation of Xutos & Pontapés took place 45 years ago, on January 13, 1979, in the Apolo Students ballroom, in Lisbon, on a night in which they played four songs in just over five minutes.
There will be three different types of coins, including one in 'proof gold', with a face value of five euros - it will cost 1,710 euros and two thousand units will be made available.
Three thousand coins will be made available in 'proof silver' and the cost will be 55 euros (the face cost is five euros). The third coin will have the same value as the face value - five euros and will be 30 thousand units.
On September 14th, the band will celebrate 45 years of their career and Zé Pedro's birthday with a show in Porto.