For those who do not know the orchestra, The Algarve International Orchestra (AIO) is a philharmonic orchestra composed of “strings”,” brass”, “woodwinds” and percussion. The musicians, about 45, are (advanced) amateur players and ex- and semi-professionals of all ages and nationalities who live in the Algarve.

Founded in 2021, as a brainchild of Musical Director, Peter Fudge. He wanted to provide an outlet for musicians of all nationalities and abilities to play classical music in an orchestral setting. This now is the only amateur full orchestra in the Algarve. It is now based near Albufeira and rehearses regularly each weekend.

Bi-annually there is an exchange between Peter’s Orchestra in Poole and the AIO. Where musicians from the UK and Portugal join forces for a musical weekend workshop followed by a concert. The latest workshop, held in Poole UK was a great success and was attended by 85 musicians.

We spoke to Ângela (16), one of the orchestra’s musicians, who plays the euphonium, we asked her about her experience of playing in the orchestra.

You are playing an instrument I have not heard of before. What type of instrument is it?

Ângela: “The instrument I play is the euphonium, which is a wind instrument from the brass family. I've been playing for about 9 years and my choice of instrument was because my father plays the tuba and I didn't have the size to do so, so I decided to opt for a “smaller tuba” which we call a euphonium.”

Adding, “I was raised in a philharmonic band since I was very little and as such, I always saw my family and friends dedicating themselves to music, which gave me great pleasure in playing anywhere, anytime!”

What role does a euphonium have in the orchestra?

“The euphonium has a fundamental role in the orchestra because despite being considered a bass, it is an instrument that tends to have a lot of melody associated with it, as the euphonium is also an instrument that can reach a very low register but also a very high one.”

What do you like about playing in this orchestra?

“What makes me like playing in this orchestra is the simple fact that it is considered a family of musicians from various countries and different parts of Portugal, where they enjoy playing and dedicate themselves with pleasure to their respective instruments”.

Which orchestra pieces do you like to play most?

“The piece that I enjoy playing the most is “The Sound of Silence”, as it is the piece in which I can let go because I have a solo and I can demonstrate the melody and beauty of the piece”.

Last January you traveled to England with the orchestra, to play together with Peter Fudge’s orchestra there, how was it?

“Playing in Poole has always been one of my biggest wishes, as I already had family members traveling there. I enjoyed playing with all of them (85 musicians) and I thank Peter for the great work he managed to achieve in just one week (with a lot of effort and dedication). This experience gave me motivation to go on playing music because I realise that what I really like to do is play.”

Ângela playing euphonium

The orchestra is looking for more musicians, what would you like to say to potential candidates?

“In my opinion, I think that all people who are interested in music and cultures should come together and take up this project, just like all of us (orchestra musicians) do! Play with us and you will find out that it’s fun and that you enjoy new challenges.”

To see Ângela and the musicians of the AIO perform then please scan the QR code below to find out more and book tickets for the Autumn Concert which will take place on the 31st of October at 20:30h at the Auditório de Albufeira, located on Rua das Telecomunicações 2, 8200-184.

The AIO is looking to recruit new musicians

If you play an ensemble instrument and are interested in joining the Orchestra. Please contact Peter Fudge by calling +351 910 640 763 or by emailing

You’ll find more information about the orchestra here:

by Cor Sebel