In the joint declaration approved at the XXV Iberian Summit, held in Faro, the two Governments highlighted the importance of making the Common Cross-Border Development Strategy (ECDT) “a unique and flexible tool” and committed to reinforcing its implementation to improve the “ quality of life” and the “well-being of people” in border regions.

The two Governments guaranteed that “Portugal and Spain will continue their commitment to promoting cross-border territories” to encourage “the settlement of populations and the attraction of new demographic profiles”, through “improving cross-border road accessibility foreseen” in the Common Cross-Border Development Strategy.

“The two countries are pleased with the signing, at this Summit, of agreements for the construction of an International Bridge over the Sever River, between Nisa (Portugal) and Cedillo (Spain), and an International Bridge over the Guadiana River, between Alcoutim (Portugal) and Sanlúcar do Guadiana (Spain)”, can be read in the joint statement.

The two bridges have guaranteed financing from the Recovery and Resilience Plan and the projects are being developed by the Chamber of Nisa, in the district of Portalegre, in the case of the international bridge over the river Sever (investment exceeding 11.9 million euros), and by Alcoutim City Council, in the district of Faro, in the case of the Guadiana international bridge (investment of around 13 million euros).

“Portugal and Spain remain committed to promoting and implementing initiatives for the revitalisation and territorial innovation of small cross-border municipalities and villages,” they said.

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