The Public Security Police (PSP) operations director has claimed that the presence of PSP personnel at Euro2024 was "very positive" for the security of Portuguese-speaking spectators.
Superintendent Pedro Sousa stated: "The presence of the PSP in Germany was very positive, not only because the fans felt safer because they had police speaking the same language, but it also helped a lot in small situations that were able to be quickly resolved.”
In Germany, during Euro2024, the PSP had three teams, "one that accompanied the national team, a second with 16 police officers with executive powers and a third that I headed, with nine officers from the PSP and the GNR [Republican National Guard], which had no executive powers but which made the link between the fans and the party venues go very well" .
According to Pedro Sousa, the fans were guided by "a music band" throughout their relocation, which "turned out very well" by "the music stopping, duly coordinated with the PSP, for important information to be passed on."
The superintendent said, "the Portuguese fans were highly praised by the German police," emphasising the positive networking with the German police.
The Portuguese Football Federation's (FPF) Estela Lucas noted that "there were families who didn't even have a ticket to enter the stadium, but who travelled kilometres to be in the party venues and this was possible to do very safely".
A passionate Irish journalist with a love for cycling, politics and of course Portugal especially their sausage rolls.