Focusing on Portugal’s security

Luís Montenegro, to Diário de Notícias, mentioned that it is important to focus on national security while recalling countries like Belgium and Sweden. According to the Prime Ministers, those countries used to be the safest, and now are facing challenges regarding security. Since the feeling of insecurity may be caused by personal experiences or being in touch with crimes, Luís Montenegro states that keeping Portugal safe is one of his priorities.

On 19 December 2024, in Martim Moniz, in Lisbon, there was a police action that aimed at immigrants that were in that area. According to news reports, the operation resulted in the detention of two people, as well as the seizing of illegal drugs, guns, stolen belongings, money and documents that are suspicious of being used for illegal immigration. Luís Montenegro when questioned about this event mentioned that he “did not like seeing it. It is an unusual situation and not part of daily life”, however, contrary to what has been told by commentators, the Prime Minister does not believe that the integrity of the individuals was disrespected.

Montenegro recalled that he does not believe that the increase in criminal activity is related to the rise of immigrants in Portugal, defending that this kind of police operation must be made regardless of the nationality of the inquired people. To Diário de Notícias, Luís Montenegro revealed that the Government and police forces have “no intent to persecute or stigmatize any community.” The Prime Minister has also expressed how necessary immigrants are to Portugal, highlighting their important role in the country’s development.

Within the scope of security, Luís Montenegro addressed the possibility of allocating 2% of Portuguese GDP to NATO by 2029.

A new President of the Republic

Luís Montenegro did not comment on the possibility of Admiral Gouveia e Melo being a candidate for the presidency, however, stated that as a PSD leader, would support a candidate from his party. To the Prime Minister, a member of his party who is capable and appealing to the Portuguese could be a good candidate for the political position, that will be decided in 2026.

2025 is the year of investment

In an opinion essay, published in Jornal de Notícias, Luís Montenegro expressed that the keyword for 2025 is “investment”. Written by himself, the country must stimulate “domestic, private and business investment”, at the same time “attracting foreign investment that seeks predictability and security.”

The Prime Minister believes that investment will keep Portugal’s “welfare state – with concrete and constructive actions.” According to Montenegro, the investment will be the “hope for the future” in Portugal.

In the same article, Montenegro promises to improve people’s lives of all ages, as well as support companies and workers, with measures such as the reduction of taxes.

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Deeply in love with music and with a guilty pleasure in criminal cases, Bruno G. Santos decided to study Journalism and Communication, hoping to combine both passions into writing. The journalist is also a passionate traveller who likes to write about other cultures and discover the various hidden gems from Portugal and the world. Press card: 8463. 

Bruno G. Santos