The motion of censure was tabled in parliament on Sunday.

Speaking to journalists at the Assembly of the Republic, the spokesperson for the leaders' conference, PSD deputy Jorge Paulo Oliveira, indicated that the debate will take place with the same timetable as the Chega motion of censure, on 21 February.

It will therefore last for three hours, with the PCP opening the session for 12 minutes, with the Prime Minister giving the same amount of time. There will then be 134 minutes for the parties to request clarification from the Government – ​​in order of registration – with each bench having five minutes for the first question.

The closing, with ten minutes for the Government and another ten for the PCP, precedes the vote on the document, which is guaranteed to fail, taking into account that the PS secretary-general, Pedro Nuno Santos, announced that he does not intend to make the initiative viable.

In statements to journalists, Jorge Paulo Oliveira indicated that the date decided by the leaders' conference was not unanimous, with the PCP and Livre expressing their opposition to holding the debate this Wednesday.