“2024 has already been an excellent year for Portugal when it comes to wine. However, we still want to increase exports in this area,” José Manuel Fernandes, the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries told Lusa agency.

In other words, he specified, that in 2024, 28.6 million litres were exported to Brazil, worth 85.9 million euros at an average price of three euros per litre.

Compared to 2023, and according to a document sent to the Lusa agency, the year 2024 registered a growth in volume of 10.6%; a growth in value of 7.6% and a fall in the average price of 2.8%.

The minister justified this increase in exports with the “great effort that has been made to reduce existing obstacles” together with the Brazilian Government and, in this sense, a protocol was signed “to strengthen cooperation” and “exchange of technicians” between the two countries.

After the signing, which took place at the XIV Luso-Brazilian Summit, on February 19 and 20, the two countries have 30 days to “identify focal points so that, if there is any difficulty or obstacle, this can be resolved or removed”.

“This protocol also aims to continue increasing wine exports” to Brazil, admitted José Manuel Fernandes.

According to the document that the Lusa agency had access to, in 2024, Portugal's total wine exports were 347 million litres, worth 966 million euros with an average price of 2.79 euros per litre.

Portugal recorded a growth in volume of 8.7%; and a value growth of 4.5% with a fall in the average price of 3.9%.

“These values ​​are supported by the behaviour of the two markets: the community: growth in volume (+9.7%), value (+2.9%) and fall in the average price (-6.2%) and third countries: growth in volume (+7.9%) and value (+5.7%) and fall in the average price (-2.0%)”, says the note.

The five countries at the top of the market in terms of export volume are: Angola, France, Brazil, Spain and the United States of America (USA).

In terms of value, in the same year, there are France, the USA, Brazil, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, which represent 44.30% of the total value exported by Portugal.

Brazil is the main third market for Portuguese wines. Wines from Portugal in Brazil have the third largest market share in total wine consumption, behind only Chile (in first place) and Argentina (in second).