The mad hatters and March hares of the palacio S. Bento should mark in their agendas a provisional invitation to the celebratory tea-party which the King of Hearts intends to hold in Belem on 18 May. There he will be joined by other corrupters of time in singing for Alice a joyous ode to commemorate the endless continuance of skullduggery in governance.

Additionally, some moments will be given to solving seemingly unanswerable riddles such as “why is a craven like a bureau” to which the enigmatic reply is “because electors like the smiles of Cheshire cats” who know on which side their bread is buttered.

This festive occasion will also serve as a prelude for the courteous judgement of the Knave of Hearts which is due to commence on 13 July for an interminable stay of execution due to the presidency of a sleepy Dormouse who dreams only for the bliss of yet another summer holiday.

Astute advice for preserving one´s sanity during the next two months is to burrow a rabbit hole at the end of which you may find a doorway leading to a warren of meditation devoid of all means of communication.

Hip, hip hoorah for the to-be-hoped-for resurrection of the democratic Dodo.

by Roberto Cavaleiro - Tomar 17 March 2025