The ordinance that “defines the method for determining the value of the social mobility subsidy within the scope of transport services between the mainland and the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira and between these regions” was published today in the Official Gazette.
The new values come into effect on the same date as the decree law that defines the new model for allocating the social mobility subsidy, published on 24 March, coming into effect 10 days after publication.
If tickets were purchased before the order came into force (3 April), the social mobility subsidy is awarded in accordance with the values that were practiced up until this date.
According to the ordinance, the maximum fare paid by passengers residing in the Azores on trips to the mainland drops from 134 to 119 euros, and in the case of students it goes from 99 to 89 euros.
In both cases, the eligible cost of the ticket to be reimbursed has a maximum limit of 600 euros.
The maximum fare for Madeira residents, when travelling to the mainland, drops from 86 to 79 euros, and the maximum fare for students goes from 65 to 59 euros.
In Madeira, the eligible cost of tickets has a maximum limit of 400 euros, which, with the new ordinance, increases to 500 euros, “when the destination or arrival is Porto Santo”.
For connections between the two archipelagos, the maximum fare for residents drops from 119 to 79 euros and the maximum fare for students drops from 89 to 59 euros, with a maximum limit of 600 euros on the eligible cost of tickets in both cases.
In both archipelagos, “the maximum ticket issuance fee, for eligibility purposes, is 35 euros for one-way tickets (OW) and 70 euros for round-trip tickets (RT)”.
To access the social mobility subsidy, the beneficiary must submit a copy of the ticket purchase invoice on an electronic platform, with information broken down on the various components of the eligible cost, and a document proving the journey, issued by the airline.
You will also have to submit a copy of an identification document and a copy of a document proving residence in one of the regions, if you are a foreign citizen.
Students must also submit a copy of a document issued and authenticated by the educational establishment, which proves that they are duly enrolled and attending the course.
Until the electronic platform is made available, the required documents must be submitted to the payment service provider (CTT).
The social mobility subsidy (SSM) was created in 2015 and was regulated by different decree laws for the Azores and Madeira, so the Government “decided to create a uniform and single legal regime, with a view to objectives of simplification, efficiency and equal treatment between the autonomous regions”, with a new decree published on 24 March.
According to the decree law, the value of the social mobility subsidy “must be reviewed annually, after consulting the self-governing bodies of the autonomous regions”, based on “an assessment of the price, demand and supply conditions” and “the respective use by beneficiary passengers”.
The assessment must be carried out jointly by the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF), with the National Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC) or with the Mobility and Transport Authority (AMT), in the first three months of each year, so that the executive can “decide on the amount to be allocated to beneficiaries from the beginning of April”.