The country is among those that have improved most since the last ranking, rising five places from 12th to finish ahead of Germany, Belgium and Singapore. Spain is placed just ahead of China and is among the moderately proficient countries. Among cities, Porto tops the list of English-speakers, followed by Coimbra, Braga and Lisbon. Overall, the Netherlands once again tops the list, followed by Denmark and Finland.
Portugal's English-speakers among best in world
Door TPN/Lusa, in Nieuws · 21 nov. 2020, 08:00 · 1 Reacties
I read the message, that Portugal stay on the 7e position, for the beste speaking English. I can´t believe this. I come from the Netherlands, and from the begin when I live here, I am amazed that important people her, speak only Portuguese. Also Mayors, people from the Finanças, people that working by the SEF in Faro. An office for asking Resident. Also the office IMT in Faro, nobody of the working people can speak English. In Holland you have to learn 4 different language on the High school. If you want in Holland a job, also simples and you can´t speak English, you never get it. But of course the last year more people that can speak English, but it is not enough.
Door Mrs. Yvonne Koster from Algarve on 23 nov. 2020, 16:19