“About 300,000 vaccines will arrive on December 13 and then, during the month of January, another 400,000 vaccines will arrive, which will be enough for this population”, said António Lacerda Sales, the Assistant Secretary of State and of health, adding that this "is a different vaccination because it is per single dose, 10 micrograms, about a third of the dose for an adult".
A total of 700,000 vaccines ensure the national need "to vaccinate all children from 5 to 11 years old", in an inoculation process that is in the preparation stage and at the time of going to press was still awaiting the approval of the Technical Vaccination Commission, noted the government official.
"We are currently awaiting the decision of the Technical Vaccination Commission, which we hope will be a favourable decision, for the vaccination of children up to 11 years of age. What is incumbent on us, as Government, is to have all the planning and all the logistics (…) to be prepared to vaccinate and that is what we are doing”.
Lacerda Sales also highlighted the numbers related to vaccination against Covid-19 in Portugal, having underlined the administration of more than 1.5 million booster doses and more than two million of the flu vaccine so far, in a country where “85 percent of the population has the complete vaccination”.