Almargem 协会在一份声明中说,活动的目的是让人们有机会了解和欣赏阿拉戈斯布兰卡这个生物多样性丰富的地方,以及湿地对地球和人类未来生活的重要性。
版权所有:提供图片;活动从上午 10 点开始,包括观鸟、收集和鉴定大型无脊椎动物,下午则是控制和清除入侵植物的集体活动。
报名免费,但必须参加,报名截止日期为周五中午 12 点。
We are proud to provide our readers from around the world with independent, honest and unbiased news for free – both online and in print.
Our dedicated team supports the local community, foreign residents and visitors of all nationalities through our newspaper, website, social media and our newsletter.
We appreciate that not everyone can afford to pay for our services but if you are able to, we ask you to support The Portugal News by making a contribution – no matter how small.