João Bernardo Duarte, one of the authors of the "Macroeconomic Impacts of the Brewing Sector" study, along with Pedro Brinca, highlighted the "great impact" that the sector has on GDP.
During the last decade, 2019 represented a "historic milestone in the beer industry in Portugal, as it was the year with the highest production volume since 2014, reaching 710 million litres, and the highest volume of domestic consumption since 2010, recording a peak 550 million litres of beer," according to the study.
The sector is responsible for "51,739 direct and indirect jobs - 1.69 percent of the jobs created and/or maintained in Portugal. In the year preceding the current pandemic, the sector proved to be highly productive, attributing around €2,602 million in added value to the Portuguese economy, 1.53 percent of the national GDP".
"We found that it is a much more productive sector than the national average", that is, "it is a bit more than double the productivity of the national average" and about 50 percent more than the beverage sector.
"What surprised us in this Nova study is the productivity per worker within the brewing sector, which is more than twice the productivity of another worker in another sector of the national economy, which means that if the entire national economy had the same productivity per worker in the brewing sector we would have an economic development identical to that of the United States", said the secretary general of Cervejeiros de Portugal, Francisco Gírio.
Alcohol, the number 1 (legal) harddrug of choice for the masses to numb the brain. Just ask yourself why this life-destroying harddrug is legal, and cannabis is illegal....
By Fred Doe from Algarve on 16 Sep 2021, 07:36
Where can I buy Super Bock in the U.S. ?(Las Vegas)
By Bruce Kalihi from USA on 16 Sep 2021, 16:12
The problem with beer is all that yeast (fermento) they use to make beer with. They use yeast on bread to make bread bloat to grow big. Also if you drink too much beer, in time your belly will bloat and grow big. That's called beer belly.
By Tony from Other on 18 Sep 2021, 11:59