"This is a socialist government, which has the support of the left in parliament, it has a social duty to raise wages," said the unionist at a press conference, adding that it is the word of the prime minister that is at stake, who assumed at the socialist congress in Portimão that there would be "no more low wages".
The secretary general of UGT defended the need to end the policy of low wages and precariousness of contracts and defended that the Government must set an example, increasing the salaries of public administration workers, who last had a wage rise in 2009.
"The Government has to set an example and we demand that it takes a step forward," Carlos Silva told reporters after a meeting of the National Secretariat.
Not with this Government.!!!!
By J from Lisbon on 20 Sep 2021, 10:29
I need this job
By Nisar Ahmad from Other on 20 Sep 2021, 11:02
first they run businesses out of business, make people wear masks etc. now they want to look like good guys and raise the minimum wage.
Cost to them = 0
employers hurt most by this vote buying scheme
By rodric reese from USA on 20 Sep 2021, 13:39
The sheer economic ignorance is astounding.
Want wages to rise?
Lower taxes on individuals and corporations, and create a competitive economy with low unemployment.
I love my fellow Portuguese, but many of us have been so ideologically subverted that they truly believe that Socialism has the solutions to our problems.
It's sad, and the main reason why we remain behind the rest of Europe in terms of wages and economic freedom.
By Quentin Ferreira from Lisbon on 20 Sep 2021, 20:15
the minimum wage is communism. many people are not worth the minimum wage. the government wants to tax that 1000 euros. this is all about increasing government revenue
By rodric reese from USA on 21 Sep 2021, 13:08