"The Open House modality became available today (3 February) for citizens aged 18 or older who have completed the primary vaccination scheme against Covid-19 150 or more days ago, and for users inoculated with the Janssen vaccine 90 or more days ago," reads the statement released by the Shared Services of the Ministry of Health (SPMS).
"To be vaccinated simply go directly to the vaccination centre, without the need for any type of appointment or prior contact," the document adds.
The booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine has already been administered to more than 5.12 million people.
According to the DGS daily report, with the booster immunisation against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus are now 5,127,809 people, including 613,808 elderly people over 80 years old, representing 93 percent of this age group.
The booster dose was also administered to 919,395 people aged between 70 and 79 (95 percent), as well as 1,116,886 people aged between 60 and 69 (89 percent) and 1,064,055 people aged between 50 and 59 (75 percent).
DGS data also indicates that 8,800,963 people have completed the primary vaccination (2,921 more than the previous day) and 2,572,808 have taken the flu vaccine (2,085 more).
Portugal is reaching the peak of the current pandemic wave and the coming weeks will see a reduction in infections, hospitalisations and deaths from Covid-19, estimates the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST).
"The Rt (transmissibility index of the virus) throughout the country is in sharp decline and is already approaching 1 in geometric average to seven days, indicating that the peak incidence is already being reached," advances the report of the working group of monitoring the pandemic of IST that Lusa had access to.
According to the document prepared by Henrique Oliveira, Pedro Amaral, José Rui Figueira and Ana Serro, who make up the working group coordinated by the president of IST, Rogério Colaço, the rate of variation of cases at national level is close to 0 percent, which also indicates that Portugal is going through the peak of the incidence.
"In February the trend will be a gradual decline in incidence, which will then become very sharp," estimates the IST, which also predicts that in the coming days there will still be a slight increase in the number of hospitalisations and deaths "by inertia", but that should begin to reduce from the end of next week.