Currently, Rahima Petignot is the first practitioner in the country.
After being kindly invited by Rahima Petignot I decided to find out what this French technique consists of. Primarily, “the first goal of this therapy is to balance the biorhythm”, she explained.
Although I had never heard of LineQuartz before, it started to make more sense in my head when I realised that this method is, simply put, a combination of four well-known alternative healing techniques: light therapy, colour therapy, music therapy, and litho therapy.
LineQuartz: a new French therapy
Light therapy
Light Therapy is a method that began to be used in psychiatric medicine in 1984 as it helps in the treatment of seasonal depression, insomnia and sleep disorders. All this is possible through the use of “a medical device that uses very low frequencies to combat seasonal depression and insomnia in order to rebalance the biological clock. Also, it promotes the production of vitamin D3”.
Colour therapy
“In 1665, the physicist Isaac Newton discovered that white light could be split out into seven fundamental colours. In fact, if we pass a triangular prism through white light, we will see these seven colours”, she said. Furthermore, colour therapy aims to harmonise the body and contribute to improving well-being through the use of these seven colours.
Music therapy
We all know that music can have a wonderful power on us. Actually, this therapy uses sound frequencies to improve energy, concentration, memory, calm, confidence and joy, in addition to stimulating intellectual work, relieving anxiety, calming insomnia and increasing sports performance.
“In France, it was a sound engineer, Jacques Jost, who acted as a pioneer in 1954 and put forward the hypothesis that we can heal with music. It has a clinical basis with the help of the Laboratory of Encephalography of the Clinic for Mental and Brain Diseases, Faculty of Medicine of Paris”, she said.
Litho therapy
Literally speaking, this word means “method which heals by the use of crystals”, she said. Furthermore, “in litho therapy, a crystal sends out beneficial energy at certain points of the body, called Chakras or Meridians (traditional Chinese medicine)”.
Combining these four healing methods
To provide all those benefits, LineQuartz treatment is based on an energy healing device that emit lights and sounds to the body. In addition, “the LineQuartz is a non-invasive medical system classified since 2019 in all Europe”, she said.
According to Rahima, this treatment can be recommended for everyone, from children to the elderly, who suffer from tiredness, burn out, anxiety, depression or even sleep disorders and concentration problems. However, this approach isn't just good for mental disorders, even people in physical pain can benefit from it, said Rahima. The therapy also "relieves chronic pain such as fibromyalgia, helps strengthen the immune system and increases the body's vitamin D levels," she said.
First Practitioner in Portugal
This new approach was founded by Yannick Delgado, a French therapist that Rahima met two years ago. “I met the founder of the machine two years ago, and as I have always been interested in holistic therapies, I took the test for myself and it was wonderful,” she said.
Yannick Delgado is French, but has Portuguese roots as his father is Portuguese. Furthermore, he wanted to spread this therapy into Portuguese territory. “He challenged me to install this therapy in Portugal and I ended up opening my office in the end of last November”, she said. Her office, located in the downtown of Olhão, is called Tudo Bem.
In the future, she wants to expand this therapy in Portugal and hopes to open more LineQuartz centres across Portugal as a franchising next year. “I'm going to sell the machine and train people who want to take on a new health and wellness challenge,” she said.
For further information, please email or call +315 913 700 547 or +33 7 56 87 00 83,
Paula Martins is a fully qualified journalist, who finds writing a means of self-expression. She studied Journalism and Communication at University of Coimbra and recently Law in the Algarve. Press card: 8252