Users of spas over 10 years old must wear masks in all spaces, and they can only be removed when in the consultation office or during treatments, according to the Directorate-General of Health (DGS).
The DGS has updated the standard “Covid-19: Spa establishments”, taking into account the current epidemic phase of Covid-19.
The DGS recommends the use of “personal protective equipment (PPE), such as surgical masks or FFP2, for anyone over the age of 10 years”.
“The mask must be used throughout the establishment, including in the waiting room or reception, and can only be removed when the user is in the consultation office and during treatments, if applicable”, says the DGS.
The rule also states that spa establishments must favour “pre-booking consultations and thermal treatments in a non-face-to-face manner, organising adjusted schedules and circuits in order to avoid having clients clustered in common areas such as the reception, the waiting room, rest rooms or changing rooms”, as well as ensuring “adequate ventilation of all spaces, favouring natural ventilation”.
Dentist updates
The Directorate-General for Health also updated the standard “Covid-19: Procedures in Clinics, Offices or Oral Health Services for Primary Health Care, Social and Private Sector”.
Also in this case, the DGS states that “the mask must be used within the reception space, waiting room and in circulation areas, only being removed when the user is in the consultation office and instructions are given to do so”.
“Before carrying out the consultation, a prior screening should be carried out, so that the user is evaluated for the presence of symptoms suggestive of covid-19”, adding that the user should be asked if there are any symptoms suggestive of an acute respiratory condition, with a cough, fever or difficulty in breathing.
The DGS also recommends that “whenever possible” the appointment should be booked in advance, remotely, to minimise the number and permanence of patients in the waiting room, as well as the promotion of the frequent renewal of the air in the waiting room, through the opening of windows and doors (except for consulting office doors, which must be kept closed) or by using extractor air conditioners, which have been cleaned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.