The document indicates that, in one week, the so-called index of transmissibility (or Rt) dropped from 1.13 to 1, which means, in practice, a stabilisation of the pandemic after almost a month with an increase in the number of positive diagnoses (or i.e. an Rt above 1).
In the North (0.96), Centre (0.94) and Alentejo (0.97) regions, the Rt is even now below 1, a sign that the number of new cases has already started to fall, contrary to the which happens in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo (1.06), Azores (1.16) and Madeira (1.22) where there are still more and more infections.
Until May 27, in the two previous weeks, a daily average of 26 thousand cases of covid-19 had been counted across the country. High values that lead the report to speak of a "very high notification rate", but with a decreasing trend, taking into account that the daily average present in the last evaluation was around 29 thousand cases.
Oh really?
Pray also tell us about the status of monkey pox in Portugal?
By James from Algarve on 03 Jun 2022, 13:04
And perhaps someone would like to publish some honest statistics in this news outlet stating just how many of the cases identified with Covid 19 are with people who have been vaccinated...just to be clear about things!
By Robin Hilton from Beiras on 15 Jun 2022, 20:44