In the survey, Portugal comes out in fourth position out of
52 destinations assessed. The country makes it into the top 10 of the Quality
of Life (4th), Ease of Settling In (7th), and Personal Finance (10th) Indices.
While it also ranks in a good 19th place in the Expat Essentials Index, it does
not perform so well in the Working Abroad Index (35th). However, overall, 85
percent of expats are happy with their life in Portugal, compared to 71 percent
globally according to the survey of almost 12,000 respondents from across the
A better quality of life
Portugal also comes out in fourth in the Quality of Life
Index. The survey found that 24 percent of expats moved to Portugal for a
better quality of life, the most common reason for relocating there. More than
nine in ten (94 percent) enjoy the climate and weather (vs. 62 percent
globally), and 89 percent are happy with the air quality (vs. 65 percent
globally). Portugal ranks seventh in the Leisure Options Subcategory: expats
are particularly happy with the opportunities for recreational sports (87
percent vs. 75 percent globally).
Safe and open
Beyond that, 93 percent of expats find it easy and safe to
get around on foot and/or by bicycle (vs. 77 percent globally), and 82 percent
feel that they can openly express themselves and their opinions (vs. 64 percent
globally). For the latter factor, Portugal actually ranks first worldwide. When
asked what they like most about life in Portugal, an expat from India states: “the
good environment and peaceful life”.
A place to call home
Portugal lands in another top 10 spot in the Ease of
Settling In Index (7th). “I enjoy the beauty of the country and the relaxed way
of life of the Portuguese people and their kindness,” shares an expat from the
Netherlands, and a respondent from Germany points out that “people are friendly
and open”. 82 percent of expats describe the Portuguese as generally friendly
(vs. 66 percent globally), and 80 percent consider them friendly towards
foreign residents in particular (vs. 65 percent globally). They also find it
easy to make local friends (51 percent vs. 42 percent globally) and are happy
with their social life (67 percent vs. 56 percent globally).
Maybe this is why 77 percent generally feel at home in Portugal (vs. 62 percent globally), and 41 percent even feel completely at home there (vs. 30 percent globally). Overall, 45 percent of expats intend to stay in Portugal forever, while just 35 percent of expats worldwide say that about their respective host country.
Low costs — Low salaries
The low cost of living (8th) is another highlight of expat
life in Portugal. More than seven in ten (71 percent) rate the general cost of
living positively (vs. 45 percent globally). However, just 63 percent are
satisfied with their financial situation (vs. 60 percent globally), and 74
percent feel that their disposable household income is enough or more than
enough to lead a comfortable life (vs. 72 percent globally) — both shares are
just slightly above the global average.
Admin issues
Portugal ranks 19th in the Expat Essentials Index. While the
survey shows an average-to-good performance for most factors surveyed in this
index, this is not the case for administrative topics. More than half the
expats (52 percent) find it hard to deal with local bureaucracy/authorities
(vs. 39 percent globally), and 24 percent are unhappy with the availability of
administrative/government services online (vs. 21 percent globally). “Dealing
with the government bureaucracy is a significant challenge and a paperwork
nightmare at times,” says an expat from the US.
The best and the
According to the Expat Insider 2022 survey results, Mexico
(1st), Indonesia, Taiwan, Portugal, Spain, the UAE, Vietnam, Thailand,
Australia, and Singapore (10th) are the best destinations for expats. The top
five destinations stand out with regard to the Ease of Settling In and Personal
The worst destinations for expats are Kuwait (52nd), New
Zealand, Hong Kong, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Japan, South Africa, Turkey, Italy, and
Malta (43rd).
Originally from the UK, Daisy has been living and working in Portugal for more than 20 years. She has worked in PR, marketing and journalism, and has been the editor of The Portugal News since 2019. Jornalista 7920

I am not an expate but I have been to Portugal over 20 times and I found the Portuguese to be the nicest people and Portugal to be a charming country mainly because of the nice character of the people who live in this country.
By nadi ormian from Other on 12 Jul 2022, 20:46
Portugal needs to be first choice for the young and qualified, its economy may reflect accordingly. These news are offensive for the Portuguese since expats have tax incentives and exemptions!
By Diogo F. from Madeira on 13 Jul 2022, 00:23
After moving to Portugal from Canada 8 months ago our daily lives have been nothing but bureaucracy/ paperwork and documentation so be prepared! That being said, we look forward to the day this will all be behind us and we can enjoy life in this beautiful country that has so much to offer.
By Nola Taylor from Algarve on 13 Jul 2022, 08:11
To Nola Taylor from Algarve on
I lived in UK from 1999 until 2018 and I'm Portuguese and my husband British and I understand very well the felling that I did forget complete about the bureaucracy and endless paper work that needs to done in Portugal the same the happen to my family in the beginning .
By Isabel Oliveira from Lisbon on 15 Jul 2022, 07:51
I have lived here in Portugal for 6 years and from UK . I can honestly say this is our home the standard of life \people and how safe it is to live here.
I can honestly say I want be going back to the UK whwn I can have a far better quality of life here in Portugal.
By Expat from Lisbon on 15 Jul 2022, 18:21