In a response sent to the Lusa agency, the Ministry ofJustice states that the criminal identification record of those convicted of
crimes against sexual self-determination and sexual freedom of minors, created
in March 2015, contains 6,421 aggressors.
According to the same information, since the creation of the
database, more than 300 sexual aggressors of minors have been registered
Data shows that 2021 was the year in which the highest
number of records of those convicted of sexual offense crimes against minors
were introduced, a total of 362.
This year, and until October 5th, the data of 252 people
convicted of sexual abuse of children were entered in the register.
This register was created in 2015 and includes the name,
age, residence and crimes of those convicted of sexual crimes in which the
victim is a minor.
According to the law, the criminal identification record
system contains data on aggressors for five years when they are subject to a
fine or imprisonment of up to one year and for 10 years for prison sentences of
more than one year and not more than five years.
The data will be available for 15 years when a prison
sentence of more than five years and not more than 10 years is applied. When
the convict is punished with a sentence of more than 10 years, the data will be
included in the register for 20 years.