The Directorate General for Health (DGS) wants, by 2027, to
reduce salt by 10% and sugar by 20% in foods. These are two of the goals of the
new National Program for the Promotion of Healthy Eating (2022-2030).
The document maintains as priorities the fight against obesity
and the promotion of a healthy diet. Projections for 2030 even suggest that
dietary errors and being overweight may overtake tobacco in the ranking of risk
factors that most contribute to mortality.
According to a statement released by the DGS, the National
Program for the Promotion of Healthy Eating aims to prevent and control all
forms of malnutrition. Among them, inadequate diet, malnutrition, inadequate
intake of vitamins and minerals, pre-obesity and obesity.
“After 10 years of strong investment in the two central
pillars of the national food and nutrition strategy, which were the improvement
of the food environment (for example, with agreements with the industry to
reformulate the food supply or the regulation of food marketing aimed at
children) and citizen empowerment with education measures, the strategy
presents measures more targeted at the health system itself and at the level of
health care delivery”, writes the DGS in a statement.
The plan to promote healthy eating 2022-2030 also outlines
goals to be achieved in the medium and long term. By 2030, the aim is to
“increase the percentage of consumption of at least 400 grams of fruit and
vegetables in adults, children and adolescents” and reduce the consumption of
soft drinks and other sugary drinks.
The document also sets goals to increase the rate of
exclusive breastfeeding up to six months and reduce, by 2030, the prevalence of
overweight and obesity by at least 5% in children and adolescents.