About 11 years ago, a picture in a newspaper of a sad looking dog and a plea for help, triggered the compassion of a Dutch woman. She visited the Canil of Portimão, and was so touched by their need for help in all kinds of ways, that she organised a charity lunch to raise money for the Canil.
As it happened, another Dutch woman attended the fundraiser, got interested, and together they started what is now known as the Association Friends of Canil de Portimão..
After one and a half years they obtained official status as a charity association.
As the association evolved over the years, funds for sterilisation, medication and vaccination were badly needed. The helpful vet of the Canil could only just buy enough food with the 100 euros per month that were allocated by the municipality.
The cattery was a cardboard box where healthy and sick cats lived together.
In the years that followed, connections were made with associations in the Algarve, the UK, Germany, The Netherlands, and adoptions followed. A dog walking project was started. A Dutch lady joined them to take care of the cattery part of the Canil.
Foster families are taking care of the dogs while the Friends look for adoption families through Facebook and the contacts they have here and abroad.
One of those foster parents is Monique. She lives outside Lagoa (east of Portimão) and welcomes dogs from the Canil, and takes care of everything needed to find good homes for the dogs.
Monique is badly in need of more volunteers, to help with all day to day care of the dogs: walking, feeding, cleaning, playing, socialising, etc.
Volunteers should ideally be available at least one morning or afternoon per week.
Contact Monique if you would like to help, and make a difference for a lot of pups: moniquegieling25@gmail.com.
And last but certainly not least. Donations are always so very welcome for the Friends to help cover all their costs.