It started with a very sad dog owner, a large vets bill and an idea to help pay the vets bills of low income people. In just over 18 months it has grown to nearly 3000 members in the face book group and a website in 5 languages and having saved lives, limbs and sight in dogs, and also helped some cats.

With vets' bills of over 21500 in the year 2024 and the last 3 months of that year paying 8449 euros, and then in January 2025 alone over 4500 was spent helping people with their vets' bills more ways to raise funds have to be found. Buddy's Legacy has its own dedicated Bank Account for donations, a PayPal account and also is part of Teaming, which allows people to donate just 1 euro a month, but if lots of people do it those 1 euro's do add up.

Buddy's Legacy has had raffles and fundraisers, and in April are having an Art Auction. The kindness of amazing Artists such as Wendy Frost, Alyson Sheldrake (also an Author) Dana Georgescu who creates amazing Shell Art, Catarina Olefir from Art Do Sol and Inna Hawker, plus many more donating beautiful pieces of Art for this amazing cause has allowed Buddy's Legacy to hold this Auction through the entire month of April. So please take a look on and you will see all the great Art on offer for Auction.

Buddy's Legacy is an amazing group, doing amazing things for animals and their owners and is supported by amazing people.